MIKROCLIMA - Frost Cloth

Product Information

Mikroclima is a knitted polyethylene Crop Cover / Frost Cloth. Manufactured in Italy, it is a knitted from thin strips of strong - but very light - transparent UV stabilised polyethylene thread. It retains its strength when wet or frosty and resists unravelling or tearing. It stops frost damage and that horrible white moth from destroying your vegetables. It also keeps the heat in your planter box, which encourages growth. If care is taken in the handling and storing of Mikroclima it will last several years.

Used For:

Use Mikroclima with planter box rods and polyclips to create an efficient cover for your planter box.


2m Wide: $5.00  |  3m Wide: $7.00

Prices are subject to change without notice and include GST and are EX Yard